The village Bolshoye Goloustnoye is located 130 km from Irkutsk, on the west shore of the lake Baikal, in the delta of the river Indin-Gol. The village was founded in 17 century due to the development of the trading way from Russia to China. Merchant ships going from Irkutsk by Angara river and Baikal lake arrived to the river Indin-Gol which runs into Baikal and forms the cape. There was a special quay at this cape, from here ships continued their trip crossing the lake Baikal and arrived to the delta of the river Selenga.
The village received name Goloustnoye because of naked and treeless river banks. The same name was given to the river and the cape.
Nowadays Bolshoye Goloustnoye is a small village, about 600 people live here. There are tourist camps, hotels, shops there. It is possible to get to Bolshoye Goloustnoye by car or regular bus from Irkutsk or on foot from Bolshiye Koty village, about 30 km, there is a good foot track on the coast of lake Baikal.
The main sight of the village Bolshoye Goloustnoye is a church of Saint Nicolas situated on the bank of Baikal, in the village suburb. The history of Saint Nicolas church is tragic. The church was built in 1701 for Saint Nicolas – the patron of seafarers. In 1937 the church was closed, bells were removed and icons were burned, in the building of the church the dance club was opened. Soonest the head of the village administration who ordered to destroy the Saint Nicolas church was punished, he became blind. In 1995 the church was restored but in 1999 on the eve of Easter the church burned down completely. In 2001 the church was restored and now it is open for people.
Other sight is a valley Ushkanka, located 3 km to the south from Bolshoye Goloustnoye village. The valley Ushkanka combine picturesque coast line, beautiful landscapes of mountains and forest. This area is especially protected reserved territory of national Park Pribaikalsky. There is a cordon of huntsman, a farm of east Siberian husky, comfortable tourist camp Baikal Perl with Russian bunya on the lake Baikal coast. Early in the morning on the top part of valley Ushkanka it is possible to see roes. The valley Ushkanka is convinient for quiet and lonely rest.
Very interesting and unique sight of Bolshye Goloustnoye village is hunting cave. It was founded in 2006 and located 12 km from Bolshoye Goloustnoye. The depth of this cave is 77 meters. By it`s beauty and hall`s sizes there is no equal cave in Pribaikalye and it can be comparable with well-know caves of Slovakia and Czech Republic.