Unvergeßliche Rußlandsreisen

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 phone: +7 3952 48 87 87, +7 914 927 44 66 VIBER

 E-mail: tour@port-baikal.ru

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Besonderheiten der Touren in Russland

Ist Russland ein neues Reiseziel für Sie? Beachten Sie die Besonderheiten bitte: Visum, Devisen, Wetter, Transport und anderes mehr.


Сity tour of Saint Petersburg, 3 hours

Saint Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia after Moscow. It was founded 302 years ago by Peter the Great.  65 rivers and canals, spanned by 360 bridges, criss-cross the city, located on 42 islands. It is not incidental that St. Petersburg is also called the Venice of the North.

During city tour you`ll see main sights of Saint Petersburg, you`ll know the most important interesting facts of its history. This excursion includes visit to the following monuments: Peter and Paul Fortress, Hermitage (exterior), Saint Isaac`s Cathedral, Medny Vsadnik, Admiralty, residence of Russian Emperiors – Winter Palace. You`ll see also Palace Square, Isaac`s Square, Senat Square, Menshikov Palace, Smolny Cathedral, Anichkov Palace, Peter I small house, Vassilievsky Island, Summer Gardens, Griboyedov Canal and others.

Reiseunternehmen Port Baikal, Reiseveranstalter aus Irkutsk

Mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Hotellerie

Experte für die Organisation von Touren

 phone: +7 3952 48 87 87

 E-mail: tour@port-baikal.ru

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