Unvergeßliche Rußlandsreisen

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 phone: +7 3952 48 87 87, +7 914 927 44 66 VIBER

 E-mail: tour@port-baikal.ru

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Besonderheiten der Touren in Russland

Ist Russland ein neues Reiseziel für Sie? Beachten Sie die Besonderheiten bitte: Visum, Devisen, Wetter, Transport und anderes mehr.


City tour of Ulan Ude with visit to the Ethnographical Museum, 4,5 hours

During this tour you will see the historical center of Ulan Ude, you`ll know information about foundation of the city like aCossack fortress. You`ll visit all main sights of Ulan Ude: the Square of Sovetov, the Lenin Square with a huge bust of Lenin which is the symbol of the city and the largest in the world, The Buryat State Opera and Ballet Theater, the Cathedral of Hodigitria – the old Russian church built in 1741, the Great Merchants`Rows – it is an architectural monument of the early 19 th century decorated with wood and stone carvings.

Then you`ll go to the Ethnographical Museum of the People of Transbaikal region. The Ethnographical museum is one of the largest museums in the open air in Russia. Museum was opened in 1973, it is located 8 km from Ulan Ude and has 40 monuments of wooden architecture. The museum collections include the expositions on the history of ethnic groups living in the region: Evenks, Western Buryats, Eastern Buryats, Cossacks, Old Believers.

Book this excursion!

Reiseunternehmen Port Baikal, Reiseveranstalter aus Irkutsk

Mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Hotellerie

Experte für die Organisation von Touren

 phone: +7 3952 48 87 87

 E-mail: tour@port-baikal.ru

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