Unvergeßliche Rußlandsreisen

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 phone: +7 3952 48 87 87, +7 914 927 44 66 VIBER

 E-mail: tour@port-baikal.ru

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Besonderheiten der Touren in Russland

Ist Russland ein neues Reiseziel für Sie? Beachten Sie die Besonderheiten bitte: Visum, Devisen, Wetter, Transport und anderes mehr.


Mittwoch, 23 Oktober 2013 09:00


Hi Elena,
This is to inform you that we safely arrived into Milan on Monday.
I want to thank you for all: everything was perfect and this is thanks to you. Also the girls I have met in both Irkutsk and Baikal lake were very nice and helpful.
The trip was fantastic and your country is wonderful.
Be sure that I will give your contact details to everyone who will ask me about a trip to Russia.

All the best,


Reiseunternehmen Port Baikal, Reiseveranstalter aus Irkutsk

Mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Hotellerie

Experte für die Organisation von Touren

 phone: +7 3952 48 87 87

 E-mail: tour@port-baikal.ru

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